A campaign that encourages people to continue practicing COVID-19 safe behaviours.

Developed a campaign that successfully encouraged 100,000 people to pledge to continue practicing COVID-19 safe behaviours.

The Challenge:

Intending to support Cambodia’s economic revival amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, ABC Extra Stout initiated a joint campaign with People In Need (PIN) to encourage everyone to champion the continuation of practicing COVID-19 safe behaviours. For every pledge, ABC donated $1 to the People in Need (PIN) Foundation. Our assignment for this campaign was to construct the website for the pledge and set up the pledging platform, which would help ABC Extra Stout receive 100,000 pledges in total.

The Process:

Using a human-centered design approach, we constructed the website and the pledge platform for ABC’s website. The website received high traffic, however very few of the views converted in to pledges. In order to curb this obstacle, we conducted an internal review of assets of the website and made changes to how the pledging process works. This solved the issue and ABC Extra Stout was able to receive 100,000 pledges.
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The Outcome:

ABC’s The Exceptional Pledge campaign received a total of 100,000 pledges.

The Result:

ABC Extra Stout was able to receive the anticipated 100,000 pledges and in return donated a total of $100,000 to People in Need (PIN).

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