Advertisements help promote Malaysia as the go-to healthcare travel destination for Cambodians.

With a combination of different advertisement and marketing methods, Malaysia is starting to become an option for Cambodians to travel for healthcare purposes.


The Challenge:

Despite Malaysia’s excellent healthcare system, it still isn’t a widely chosen destination for healthcare travelling purposes unlike neighbouring countries like Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam. In order to help Malaysia become recognized as the go-to destination for healthcare, we helped create meaningful and engaging advertising materials to help raise awareness.

The Process:

We created a variety of different marketing and advertising content to help raise awareness and consideration of Malaysia as a healthcare travel destination.

The Outcome:

We created LED billboards, Tuk-Tuk ads, Influencer videos, PR articles and pop-up ads to help promote Malaysia as the go-to healthcare travel destination.

The Result:

The marketing and advertising means used to promote Malaysia as a destination for healthcare travel have met the expected KPI’s of MHTC and Malaysia is now becoming an option for people looking to travel outside of Cambodia for healthcare purposes.

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