Website rebuild after security breach

Website update solves security issues and improves overall performance of the site

The Challenge:

AmCham Cambodia’s website was hacked in 2021 and suffered from performance issues. MangoTango provided a free analysis of the site and gave recommendations to improve its security, performance, and design.
AmCham Website

The Process:

With input from AmCham on the design and content, we implemented an overhaul of the entire AmCham website based on our recommendations. Through collaboration on site design and functionality we built a site with improved loading speed, enhanced security, and a modernized user interface on both mobile and desktop environments.
AmCham Website-2

The Outcome:

MangoTango’s in house web development team implemented our recommendations. AmCham’s website is now secure and functioning at an optimal level of performance.
AmCham Website-3

The Result:

The website update resolved issues surrounding security, speed and usability. Additionally, we provided training to the AmCham team to ensure they can make common content updates independently.

View the AmCham Cambodia website here .

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